How to charge your iPad Air 2 from a power outlet in Denmark

Using an Apple Lightning cable with a 2 pinned Type K power charger to power your iPad Air 2 from a Danish power outlet.

Danish power outlet

Various voltages and standards can all be confusing when planning to travel to a different country to the first time traveller. However this isn't as complicated as it first appears, with only a handful of different types of sockets used in the world this guide shows exactly what to pick up in advance to charge your iPad Air 2 in Denmark. This page has been specifically written to stop you worrying if you'll be able to charge the iPad Air 2 when abroad.This guide shows how to power the iPad Air 2 when staying in Denmark by using the K type 230 volt 50Hz power outlets, most Danes will typically use the Type K plug outlets. Most power supplies will change from country to country so please read the Wiki Connections global power supplies page for a full list showing powering devices in different destinations. If visiting Denmark from a different region check your iPad Air 2 can be used with a 240v supply. If your iPad Air 2 originated in a country which uses a lower voltage such as 110 volts ensure that the iPad Air 2 is dual voltage (marked with 100-240 volts) else you may need to use an additional transformer to stop the device from overheating when powering up. These instructions assume that you are running Apple iOS 7 or greater on an iPad Air 2.

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Charging an iPad Air 2 in Denmark

Can you use an iPad Air 2 in Denmark?

Yes, you can use an iPad Air 2 in Denmark.

What is the best power charger for recharging an iPad Air 2 in Denmark?

The best power adapter for Denmark will be a Type K USB power plug adapter which allows you to use your iPad Air 2. [4] [AD]

What is the best power charger for recharging an iPad Air 2 in Denmark?

How to use a Type K power charger for recharging your iPad Air 2 from a Danish power outlet

A page on how to recharge an iPad Air 2 with a Danish power outlet by using the Lightning Apple connector and a double pin Type K USB adapter.

  1. To supply power to an iPad Air 2 using the Danish power outlet you'll need to use a Type K USB power plug adapter [4] and a USB to Apple Lightning cable [5] - Apple should usually supply the USB cable with your iPad Air 2.
  2. Start the process by taking the Type K USB power plug adapter and plugging it into the power supply. You can identify this wall supply by 3 large holes forming a triangular pattern and the bottom hole being semicircular in shape.
  3. Connect one end of the cord into the USB adapter and the other end into the Lightning connector on an iPad Air 2. The iPad Air 2 lightning connector is found at the bottom of the iPad Air 2.
  4. Switch on the Danish power outlet.
  5. The battery icon that appears in the top right hand corner of the iPad Air 2 will display a charge icon to indicate that the tablet is powering up, typically taking around 60-240 minutes to recharge. [AD]
How to use a Type K power charger for recharging your iPad Air 2 from a Danish power outlet

See also

  1. Wikipedia - wikipedia entry about Denmark
  2. Apple - official iPad user guide
  3. - Type K power outlet
  4. Type K USB power plug adapter - There are three pins on a Type K USB charger comprising of two large rounded pins and a bottom semi-circular grounding pin.
  5. USB to Apple Lightning cable - The Apple Lightning cable is a charging and syncing cable for more recent Apple devices and connects compatible iPhones and iPads to a USB port.